Substitute Teacher Training and Career Courses
Career Advancement and Post-Secondary Preparation
ParaPro Test
Call the campus nearest you for dates and times.
Substitute Teacher Candidates
Effective July 2020:
HIDOE has implemented additional certification pathways for substitute teacher candidates. For more information on the application requirements, click the link.
HIDOE has implemented additional certification pathways for substitute teacher candidates. For more information on the application requirements, click the link.
Please call our office to inquire on dates and times that our substitute teacher certification and recertification classes will be offered.
What are College and Career Courses?
All of the Waipahu Community School for Adults campuses offer a variety of courses for adult learners in the areas of post-secondary education, workforce education, and life enhancement. For specific course offerings, please see individual campus course schedules or call one of our offices for more information.
Examples of Career Courses:
- Substitute Teacher Certification
- Substitute Teacher Recertification
- ParaPro Prep/Assessment (EAs, PPTs, etc.)
- Teacher PRAXIS Prep
- Test-Prep for college entrance exams (SAT, Compass, etc.)
- Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
- Military - Basic Skills Education Program (BSEP), Military Academic Skills Program (MASP)
- Workplace Literacy